Thursday 5 December 2013


Are you looking for new ways to engage your Facebook fans?
Do your current Facebook engagement tactics need a little more flare?
Your visibility in the news feed depends on engagement like never before.
If your page is experiencing a drop in engagement, using different post types and making a few content adjustments can bump it back up.

#14: Plan Using Different Calls to Action

There isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution for crafting a call to action (CTA) to tell your readers what you want them to do next.
Different CTAs may work better than others for your fans. Make sure your CTA matches the goal you’ve set for your reader.
Jayson DeMers outlines different kinds of CTAs to achieve different conversion goals:
  • CTA to encourage engagement—“Please take a moment to leave your comments or thoughts below.”
  • CTA to drive the reader to other content—“For an in-depth look, sign up to download our white paper.”
  • CTA to increase signups or lead capture—“To get regular updates, sign up for our weekly newsletter.”
  • CTA to nurture leads—“Watch this video for a more in-depth look at how this product can help improve your business.”
  • CTA for sales—“To get immediate access to this training and all the bonuses, click here.”
Take a look at your Facebook Insights to pinpoint the correlation between posts that created more CTA engagement and the wording you used in your updates.

#15: Quiz Your Fans About Their Interests

It’s hard to break the ice or start a genuine conversation when you don’t know anything about the person (or fan) on the other side of the table.
To learn more about your fans and encourage them to engage with you and other fans, ask questions that invite them to share about their interests or what they enjoy doing in their free time.
In an update honoring National Family Literacy Day, SME posted, “Tell us what you’re reading this weekend.”


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